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This word "motivation" is very subjective, and each teacher has his own ideas, but the goal is the same, to improve the grades of students taking psychology as a weapon. The teacher must motivate his students, always with the goal of getting their attention on all the topics, and for the student his main motivation is grades. For example, the final exam is 50%, so any result has great influence on the final grade, and this final exam is made with everything learnt during the academic period. For me, if a student achieves his maximum grade (100) in the final exam, this student also deserves the maximum grade in the course, regardless of the other grades. For example, if the final exam is 100, so the final grade of the course is 100. This helped a lot to motivate the student to study and give their maximum effort in the final exam.

Some teachers will wonder, so if a student never attends class, never does a paper, never does an assessment or quiz, and scores 100 on the final exam, then his final grade is 100? Is it fair? Attendance in classes is important, in my case, with 3 unjustified absences, I disqualify the student. Although it is also true that in many universities in the world, class attendance is the responsibility of the student. From my own experience, in some cases, only the teacher is seen, in the first class for the introduction to the course and the last class for the final exam, and if the student has any doubts, the student looks for the teacher, not the teacher looks for the student.

What do you think about it? Let the student get 100!

Un joven en la biblioteca

Ospina Education

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